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I may be rethinking the checkered jersey idea
2006-08-18 10:58
by Bob Timmermann

The Croatian fans here did not exactly do anyone proud.

Reuters story.

2006-08-18 11:41:40
1.   scareduck
It's not clear to me that the Croats were endorsing Naziism as they were denouncing the Italians who were taunting them. Maybe next time they can bring the head of il Duce to the stadium and use it for practice.
2006-08-18 11:42:30
2.   scareduck
Oh, and I wonder if Armada player Jose Canseco had anything to say about this...
2006-08-18 11:58:27
3.   DXMachina
So, they weren't so much endorsing Naziism, but rather implying that the Italian fans were Nazis. Godwin's Law on a soccer pitch.

Of course, the image I have of the fans forming a swastika comes directly from the "Springtime for Hitler" number in "The Producers," complete with musical accompaniment.

2006-08-18 12:06:25
4.   Bob Timmermann
But the Croatians were Nazi sympathizers during World War II.

Then again, so were the Italians.

Maybe this is akin to people from South Carolina taunting people from Mississippi by waving a Confederate flag.

2006-08-18 13:39:42
5.   subclub
Stay classy, Croatia.

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