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A-Rod opts out
2007-10-28 19:57
by Bob Timmermann

In a rather terse AP report, Scott Boras has said that Alex Rodriguez will opt of his deal with the Yankees and become a free agent.

Link suggested by ... a lot of people.

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2007-10-28 20:37:56
1.   Izzy
I don't buy Boras line. You just do not give Boras an ultimatun, at least unless you are smarter than he is. The Yankees, apparently, are not. I want Mr. Arod less now than I did. In fact, I would almost love for him to go to SF. But, not quite yet.
2007-10-28 22:49:16
2.   Yankee Fan In Boston
if anyone is in the boston area, could you please swing by my place and shoot me?


have a great night.

2007-10-28 22:57:43
3.   Xeifrank
I will believe he has "really" opted out ten days from now.
vr, Xei

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