This was win #70 for the Rays, tying a franchise high. It's safe to assume that Tampa Bay will reach a new high this season. The Rays have been the most interesting story in MLB this year in my book. And perhaps even the Dark Lords of Bristol will acknowledge it one day.
It's not just them, either. In yesterday's Fox broadcast, McCarver was raving about the biggest surprise story in baseball this year: the Cardinals. After a minute or so he added, yeah, there are the Rays, too - but noooobody expected the Cardinals to be any good, what a story it is!
I don't claim deep knowledge of Rays-dom. But... jeesh, they've been drafting first for, like, 30 years. And fleecing every Dodgers GM for about as long (giving the team, in essence, supplemental picks on top of their supplemental picks)... So, frankly, I'm not that surprised about the Rays. I drafted several for my fantasy team... I'm also not surprised that Tim M. would go batcrap over the Cards. He's not in charge of his faculties.
Who will end the suffering of Cardinal fans?
Who will end the suffering of people that have to listen to McCarver?
Could those same people end the suffering of those having to listen to Joe Morgan?
So, they're going to lose, it's just a question of when.
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