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Omaha, city of baseball stadiums?
2009-01-06 14:14
by Bob Timmermann

This isn't about the College World Series, but rather the minor league teams of Omaha.

The city of Omaha is scheduled to open up a new stadium for the College World Series in 2011 in Downtown Omaha and it should seat about 24,000. It will be the home of the College World Series, replacing venerable Rosenblatt Stadium.

However, the Kansas City Royals AAA affiliate in Omaha isn't going to play at the new stadium and is negotiating with Sarpy County for a new 6,000-7,000 seat stadium.

Coming to the rescue, as it were, is the independent American Association, which has announced that it will place a team in Omaha to play in the new stadium in 2011. That team does not have a name yet. Or even exists at this time.

2009-01-06 15:32:38
1.   Icaros
That team does not have a name yet. Or even exists at this time.

I call second base!

2009-01-06 20:35:58
2.   Gen3Blue
Which state is Omaha in anyway? Either Rhode Island or Nebraska.

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