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2005-05-12 05:36
by Alex Belth

Here are a few shots of the starting pitchers from last Sunday's Yankee-Oakland game in the Bronx. (Click on photo's for a larger image.)

First, Kevin Brown:

Next, the picture-perfect, Rich Harden:

2005-05-12 10:26:00
1.   NetShrine
regarding this one:

how does Brown locate when he takes his head off target and closes his eyes before delivering? Scary stuff.

2005-05-12 11:50:34
2.   Will Carroll
Pic 1: Note Brown leaning forward. This is GOOD - not off balance as many think. He hasnt brought his hand up, which seems late.

Pic 2: That front leg is very stiff, not flexed as you see Harden in pitch six. That's forcing him to release later to get the ball in the zone and not transferring energy from the body to the ball.

Pic 3: High leg kick with twist shows his energy is moving in directions other than "through the ball." His head is too far forward, bringing his leg up and the twist is wasted energy.

Pic 4: Nice compact knee lift. No wasted motion. Would like to see more lean.

Pic 5: Arm's a bit long in back, but great stride length - ideal is about 75% of height - and the elbow is a bit arced.

Pic 6: Head-glove-knee axis is near perfect, stride is great leading to perfect flex, and his back foot is down, ready to drag through. He's getting a bit of retraction and external rotation at this stage as the ball begins to accelerate at hip turn.

Netshrine: Most pitchers take their eyes off, much like batters. Their brain processes it as if they are on track the whole time. Turn your head and blink as it moves through the arc - your brain will process it as a smooth "pan".

2005-05-12 11:50:47
3.   Will Carroll
Pic 1: Note Brown leaning forward. This is GOOD - not off balance as many think. He hasnt brought his hand up, which seems late.

Pic 2: That front leg is very stiff, not flexed as you see Harden in pitch six. That's forcing him to release later to get the ball in the zone and not transferring energy from the body to the ball.

Pic 3: High leg kick with twist shows his energy is moving in directions other than "through the ball." His head is too far forward, bringing his leg up and the twist is wasted energy.

Pic 4: Nice compact knee lift. No wasted motion. Would like to see more lean.

Pic 5: Arm's a bit long in back, but great stride length - ideal is about 75% of height - and the elbow is a bit arced.

Pic 6: Head-glove-knee axis is near perfect, stride is great leading to perfect flex, and his back foot is down, ready to drag through. He's getting a bit of retraction and external rotation at this stage as the ball begins to accelerate at hip turn.

Netshrine: Most pitchers take their eyes off, much like batters. Their brain processes it as if they are on track the whole time. Turn your head and blink as it moves through the arc - your brain will process it as a smooth "pan".

2005-05-12 11:56:52
4.   Jen
Maybe he breathes through his eyelids.
2005-05-12 12:41:16
5.   NetShrine
Funny Jen!

Will - I see your point - but, would it not still be better to stay locked on and eyes open?

2005-05-12 20:05:31
6.   Will Carroll
Better, yes, but I wouldn't bother correcting it if he's throwing strikes. Then there's Abe Alvarez ...

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