The Japanese still can't get Hideki Matsui to commit, although other current MLBers, Ichiro Suzuki, Tadahito Iguchi, and Akinori Otsuka, have signed up. And I can't tell but Kazuo Matsui has managed gone from the next big thing to being unwanted on both sides of the Pacific.
And not to slight to see the Korean team, but I will add a link to their story here. . Hee-Seop Choi and Byung-Hyun Kim highlight the team.
PETCO bid for the final. The weather should be good. I think Anaheim wanted it too. Dodger Stadium would have been another possibility if it weren't for the fact that it has no seats in it right now.
As for the Japanese pitchers, I haven't read about Nomo or Kaz Ishii pitching for them. There are better options.
Any word as to whether Nomo or Ishii will be pitching for Japan?
As for the Japanese pitchers, I haven't read about Nomo or Kaz Ishii pitching for them. There are better options.
Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Bud Selig and Don King in the same room?
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