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Time to mull
2005-12-11 15:33
by Bob Timmermann's story about J.T. Snow states that he is "mulling retirement" and also has received interest from the Dodgers.

I was at the market today and saw a package marked "mulling spices". I thought about it. I walked around the store for a while. I went home and took a nap. I'm still not sure about the spices.

2005-12-11 15:56:33
1.   Daniel Zappala
You might want to do that mulling on the Isle of Mull:
2005-12-11 15:57:18
2.   Daniel Zappala
Oh, and can we send J.T. Snow there, please?
2005-12-11 16:50:25
3.   Sam DC
First of all, who knew Stephen Wright had a blog.

Second of all, a new blog to keep up with is one thing. But seven posts a day is entirely another!

2005-12-11 16:56:14
4.   Bob Timmermann
It's only six... so far...

I'm mainly trying to get the hang of everything. Like using italics!

The pace will drop a lot tomorrow as I return to being a productive worker.

2005-12-11 17:25:14
5.   Jacob L
Like the new place, Bob!

What can we send J.T. that might make him lean more toward retirement? White loafers?

2005-12-11 17:57:51
6.   Bob Timmermann
In fairness to the people of those who invited me, you should probably direct your comments about Dodger-ania to Dodger Thoughts.

Not that I would like to see J.T. Snow on the Dodgers either.

2005-12-11 19:14:25
7.   D4P
The pace will drop a lot tomorrow as I return to being a productive worker.

Because as we all know, Bob never posts from work...

2005-12-11 19:23:45
8.   Bob Timmermann
Yeah, but when I have my name on top, I actually want there to be a modicum of quality.
2005-12-11 19:26:06
9.   D4P
So...we'll be seeing you on DT during the week then?
2005-12-11 19:35:40
10.   Bob Timmermann
I'll be all around in the dark - I'll be everywhere. Wherever you can look - wherever there's a fight, so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad. I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry and they know supper's ready, and when the people are eatin' the stuff they raise and livin' in the houses they build - I'll be there, too.
2005-12-11 19:38:13
11.   D4P
Who are you, Bob Timmermann?
2005-12-11 21:26:32
12.   Eric Enders
Rich fellows like McCourt come up and they die, and their kids ain't no good and they die out. But we keep a-comin'. We're the people that live. They can't wipe us out, they can't lick us. We'll go on forever, Bob, 'cause we're the people.
2005-12-11 22:28:30
13.   grandcosmo
I smell spare ribs. Somebody's been eatin' spare ribs. How come I ain't got none?
2005-12-12 00:07:39
14.   dzzrtRatt
10 This is a speech deserving a 21st century update. "Laptops of Wrath."

I'll be all around when everyone's logged off - I'll be everywhere. Wherever you can look - wherever there's a flame war, so dial-up people can get DSL, I'll be there. Wherever there's an ISP shuttin' off a guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the way guys blog when they're mad. I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're tired of non-immersive alternate worlds and they know the new XBox 360's shipping to Best Buy, and when the people are playin' the electronic games they charged on their Discover Card, runnin' the remote on the same sofas they had in college - I'll be there, too.

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