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The Kaz Ishii Era appears to be over
2005-12-19 13:27
by Bob Timmermann

Tucked into the bottom of a press release about three other guys getting invites to spring training for the Mets is the announcement that Kazuhisa Ishii has been released.

I've learned that last year Darrell Oliver announced his retirement, but now he's back! The other two pitchers: Pedro Feliciano and Jose Parra are part of an MLB-NPB exchange program of mediocre pitchers.

The Mets have not had a lot of success with Japanese pitchers. Ishii, Hideo Nomo, Takashi Kashiwada, Satoru Komiyama, Shingo Takatsu. Masato Yoshii would be the only one who would be considered "not terrible" during his Mets tenure.

2005-12-19 13:48:57
1.   Sushirabbit
Maybe they need the address for Tomoe Sushi! : 172 Thompson St. West Village

Couldn't resist for obvious reasons.

2005-12-19 19:41:20
2.   Slipstream
According to this story in the Japan Times, the Yakult Swallows want him.

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