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Sosa signs with Atlanta
2006-01-22 00:37
by Bob Timmermann

Jorge Sosa that is. After a great 2005 (13-3, 2.55 ERA, ERA+ 172), Sosa signed a 1-year deal worth $2.2 million.

2006-01-22 01:04:01
1.   das411
Not quite the bargain that Dontrelle will be in 2006, but Sosa for Nick Green may be #2 in Tampa Bay's all-time "what were we thinking?!?" deals before too long...
2006-01-22 05:36:23
2.   unmoderated
>>Sosa for Nick Green may be #2 in Tampa Bay's all-time "what were we thinking?!?" deals before too long...

Number one being the wilson alvarez contract?

2006-01-22 08:17:29
3.   De Ruijter
Number one has to be the Kevin Stocker for Bobby Abreu trade.

Also deserving mention: the Juan Guzman contract. Nothing hurts more than paying 12 million dollars for less than two innings and an ERA over 43.

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