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Giants plan day to honor quake victims
2006-03-22 18:30
by Bob Timmermann

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake that is.

The day honoring the survivors will be April 6, although the 100th anniversary of the earthquake isn't until April 18.

Taren Sapienza, who organizes an annual reunion of Great Quake survivors, said those who plan to attend the game range in age from 100 to 105 and include several die-hard Giants fans.

If you're over 100, I think "die-hard" applies to a lot of facets of one's life.

If the Cubs are playing on October 8, all people named O'Leary who own a cow get in free.

The Red Sox are still working on a molasses-themed promotion.

2006-03-22 22:06:45
1.   Xeifrank
I was gonna say, "I was there! Classes were cancelled for a couple of days." But it's the wrong earthquake.
vr, Xei

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