Baseball Toaster The Griddle
A place where a man can slow down to a walk and live his life full measure, but he has to keep his watch on Pacific Time.
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Henry Chadwick talks to Jeff Francouer
2006-05-04 17:32
by Bob Timmermann

From A Game of Inches : The Stories Behind the Innovations That Shaped Baseball Volume 1: The Game on the Field by Peter Morris, on p. 84

He quotes this statement written by Henry Chadwick in the New York Clipper on November 11, 1876.

Some batsmen, who have not the moral courage to play their own game without regard to the comments of the crowd, are very apt to be intimidated into a reckless style of hitting, for being considered a 'waiter at the bat.'

You can likely apply this quote to your favorite team's most impatient hitter.

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