Baseball Toaster The Griddle
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Yan can't pitch, so Jered goes to the Big Leagues
2006-05-26 15:55
by Bob Timmermann

Well, it's not like Esteban Yan is injured. He just isn't good anymore (6.85 ERA).

And the Angels brought up Jeff Weaver's little brother, Jered.

Will Jered become a Pedro to Jeff's Ramon? Or will he become more of a Greg to Jeff's Mike? Or will Jeff be a Big Jeff to Jared's Jeff?

2006-05-26 16:09:35
1.   DXMachina
Gaylord to Jim, or Daffy to Dizzy?
2006-05-26 16:12:00
2.   Bob Timmermann
Joe to Phil?
2006-05-26 16:23:06
3.   grandcosmo
Stan to Harry?
2006-05-26 16:50:26
4.   Bob Timmermann
Christy and Henry?
2006-05-26 17:10:36
5.   Linkmeister
Is this restricted to pitchers? If not, "Big Poison" Paul Waner to "Little Poison" Lloyd Waner.
2006-05-26 17:11:05
6.   Linkmeister
Oh, and don't think you can get away with defaming Martin Yan, either.

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