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DC Mayor Williams wants 'Office of Baseball'
2006-05-31 14:41
by Bob Timmermann

In one of the Washington Post blogs, comes news that Washington DC Mayor Anthony Williams has asked the City Council for $750,000 to set up a Office of Baseball that would help coordinate the construction of the Nationals new stadium.

2006-05-31 14:45:30
1.   Sam DC
Well played.
2006-05-31 15:21:28
2.   capdodger
Um... Yeah. There must be an office that these duties could handle these duties.
2006-05-31 16:10:29
3.   Chiron Brown
The leader of this commission shall me called Mr. Baseball and he will have a giant baseball for a head. He will sit at a large, elevated desk (ala Harry Cohn) and hear various proposals and ideas. He will indicate his pleasure/displeasure non-verbally with a safe or out sign. People who really please him will be thrown a bag of peanuts. Those who deeply offend him will be pine-tarred and feathered and sent to Scranton.
2006-05-31 16:20:18
4.   grandcosmo
You just know that the nomenklatura will not be satisfied until every last dollar is milked from that stadium bookdoggle.
2006-05-31 16:20:25
5.   grandcosmo
You just know that the nomenklatura will not be satisfied until every last dollar is milked from that stadium boondoggle.
2006-05-31 17:17:01
6.   Purple Hippopotamus
Thank god I'm leaving DC in two months.
2006-05-31 17:19:21
7.   Bob Timmermann
This never would have happened if Marion Berry were still mayor.

Insert your own punch line.

2006-06-01 10:40:45
8.   das411
Top Ten Marion Barry Campaign Slogans:

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