Salad shooters are the worst. That's why they're banned in so many clubhouses. (All the major league clubs except the Giants. Felipe likes his radishes sliced just so.)
Everything is fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Two Christmases ago, my sisters and my mother, thinking themselves hilarious, gave me an electric leg lamp as a present. It came in a wooden crate marked with something in Italian, and filled with two lawn bags full of excelsior.
9 - It's currently in the attic, where it will likely stay until I sell it on eBay. I took the crate apart, removing something like two hundred nails in the process. Give a guy a nail gun, and there's no stopping him. Those are probably banned from clubhouses, too, which gets us back on topic.
True that. And now Home Depot wants Smoltz to help me with my home improvement projects. This is the last guy I want showing me how to use power tools.
Everything is fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Although, every time I hear the line "He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay," I think of Tommy Lasorda.
Not weird, but it's a amazing how much a tiny cut can bleed if done just so.
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