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The Giants outfield tonight: The 40-year old version
2006-07-14 20:47
by Bob Timmermann

Starting in tonight's game in San Francisco against Philadelphia, the Giants had:

Left fielder Barry Bonds (born July 24, 1964)
Center fielder Steve Finley (born March 12, 1965)
Right fielder Moises Alou (born July 3, 1966)

2006-07-14 21:05:15
1.   BruceR
Yeah, but Alou is "young" 40!

BTW and a bit off topic. Bob, even more amazing than this is the most famous K+E2 you referenced earlier today in DT. If your account is true, JP was back from the dead after three months (give or take). And this miracle should be enough such that Sainthood should not be held up even one more day.

[ For the record, it was Josh Paul. Also, for the record, I can't believe SamDC didn't catch it. ]

2006-07-14 21:16:06
2.   Bob Timmermann
Sam's been on vacation...

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