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A Mets catcher tradition
2006-08-08 18:28
by Bob Timmermann

Like Mike Piazza holding a press conference to announce that he wasn't gay, Paul Lo Duca had to hold one to say that he didn't have a gambling problem.

I remember when Jerry Grote once held a press conference to announce that he didn't shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Duffy Dyer held a press conference once to announce that he wasn't a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army.

Ron Hodges held a press conference to announce that he was not going to be a candidate for president in 1984.

2006-08-08 18:34:00
1.   Suffering Bruin
Let's not get started on Gary Carter holding a press conference for (pick a punch line, damn near anything will do). That way danger lies.
2006-08-08 19:12:15
2.   DXMachina
Choo Choo Coleman held a press conference to deny rumors that his real name was Clarence.

Casey Stengel was with him, saying that Choo Choo was a fine young man with a good future ahead of him in railroad engine operation.

2006-08-08 20:24:56
3.   Voxter
I shot a man in Reno, but it wasn't to watch him die. It was over other, unrelated issues.
2006-08-08 21:57:34
4.   Greg Brock
I would like to take this opportunity to clear up a few crazy rumors:

1) I am not the president of Bolivia
2) I am not the real Greg Brock
3) I am, in fact, a rock. I am an island.
4) I have never been the base player for Jethro Tull.

I'm glad we could clear this up.

2006-08-08 22:01:08
5.   Greg Brock
4 #4- *Bass, not base. I am, however, a moron.

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