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The Majewski Affair, oh what a tangled web we weave ...
2006-08-08 21:15
by Bob Timmermann

The Reds had to put newly acquired reliever Gary Majewski on the disabled list with a sore shoulder. But now Reds GM Wayne Krivsky is looking into the possiblility that there may have been shenanigans on the part of Washignton GM Jim Bowden.

Here's a summary of the events from Capitol Punishment.

I really think that the Reds should have been suspicious when Majewski came to Cincinnati with a Mike Sirotka model glove.

2006-08-08 23:20:29
1.   Scott Long
Bob Timmerman cracks me up. Mike Sirotka model glove. Good stuff.
2006-08-08 23:36:41
2.   Bob Timmermann
Yet, I am not a trained professional comedian like Scott.
2006-08-09 03:48:36
3.   Greg Brock
I've always imagined Bob as 1/3 Jack Benny, 1/3 Tom Lehrer, and 1/3 Woody Allen.

Irony, timing, and sophistication.
It's the highest compliment I can give.

2006-08-09 08:39:20
4.   Bob Timmermann
I don't have the math skills of a Tom Lehrer.
2006-08-09 10:48:03
5.   Jacob L
Which leaves it to me to deliver the more obvious punch line -

NOW Krivsky thinks he's getting ripped off?

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