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You can go home again: Castilla signs deal with Rockies
2006-08-14 13:45
by Bob Timmermann

Vinny Castilla, whom you cannot kill and he will not die, has signed a minor league deal with the Colorado Rockies and is expected to be called up in September.

2006-08-14 14:16:49
1.   Gagne55
Hey Castilla, meet the humidor. Bwahahahaha
2006-08-14 14:42:27
2.   grandcosmo
You can take the offense out of Coors Field but you can't take the stupid decisions out of the Rockies front office.
2006-08-14 15:39:10
3.   the OZ
Yeah, Garret Atkins really isn't working out for the Rocks.

Maybe this is a special deal where Castilla wants to retire with the Rockies so he ensures he won't have to Padres hat on his Cooperstown plaque. Or somthing.

2006-08-14 15:46:45
4.   Bob Timmermann
The story does mention that Castilla was promised a job with the Rockies after he retires.
2006-08-14 17:32:04
5.   Gagne55
Castilla was the type of player (low walks, some power) who benefited more from Coors than the average player. But now with the humidor he doesn't even have that going for him.
2006-08-14 17:38:53
6.   Bluebleeder87

he also had a good glove.

2006-08-14 19:27:10
7.   Yu-Hsing Chen
6 shoulda stressed the had more ;) he also had power...
2006-08-14 20:39:45
8.   tjshere
Mark over at Bad Altitude seems to think Vinny might possibly be done.

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