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Blyleven suspended by Twins for 2 broadcasts
2006-09-04 10:08
by Bob Timmermann

Twins broadcaster Bert Blyleven, unaware that his mike was live when he said two profanities on air (they start with f!) was suspended for two broadcasts by the Twins.

Blyleven's mistake was compounded by saying it on over-the-air broadcast instead of on a cable channel. And the FCC doesn't like such words to be said over the air.

2006-09-04 10:55:51
1.   Greg Brock
I've said it before and I'll say it again...People have to stop saying Funky Fudgesticks out loud.

For God's sake, won't someone please think of the children!?

2006-09-04 11:28:39
2.   Philip Michaels
That seems like a harsh response to a humble request from a fan to be circled.

"Circle me, Bert!"

"Oh, I'll circle you all right, you #@%!!!"

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