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2006-09-26 22:00
by Bob Timmermann

It's a Division Championship!

The Oakland Athletics clinched their first AL West championship since 2003 after defeating Seattle 12-3 while the Angels lost to the Rangers, 5-2.

Dr. Kenneth Macha presided over the ceremony. The happy team plans to start its postseason festivities in either New York, Detroit, or Minneapolis.

2006-09-26 22:07:34
1.   Ken Arneson
They won't start it in New York, because the Tigers and Twins can't play each other in the first round.
2006-09-26 22:10:58
2.   Bob Timmermann
But New York is so romantic!
2006-09-26 22:16:20
3.   bhsportsguy
This portion of the Griddle may go on a hiatus for at least a day and probably two considering the state of the Cards.
2006-09-26 22:41:06
4.   Bluebleeder87
the Cards can't buy a win, i still the NL West can be had.
2006-09-26 22:57:52
5.   Bob Timmermann
Strangely, no two teams were ever eliminated at the same time. Arizona and Atlanta were the closest together.

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