"We are pleased and excited to have acquired the rights to negotiate with Daisuke Matsuzaka," said Theo Epstein, Boston's general manager. "We have long admired Mr. Matsuzaka's abilities and believe he would be a great fit as a member of our organization."
Unless I am mistaken, certain shenanigans could lead to a payment of less than 51 million dollars from the Red Sox. They may not have to pay all of it. I'll assume they'll just pay all of it, but they may be able to pull something.
I'll just wait to see what happens, or for Bob to tell me how that's not possible.
"We are pleased and excited to have acquired the rights to negotiate with Daisuke Matsuzaka," said Theo Epstein, Boston's general manager. "We have long admired Mr. Matsuzaka's abilities and believe he would be a great fit as a member of our organization."
I'll just wait to see what happens, or for Bob to tell me how that's not possible.
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