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Marquis signs with Cubs
2006-12-09 08:42
by Bob Timmermann

And a loud cheer not heard in the Mound City since the end of Game 5 of the World Series goes up!

The least-liked cog in the Cardinals "machine" that won the World Series, Jason Marquis, is reported to have signed a 3-year deal with Chicago from anywhere between $20 million and $28 million.

It is often said that Cardinals fan don't boo any of their own players. After watching Marquis make a few starts in September, I can state that that is definitely NOT TRUE.

2006-12-09 09:34:44
1.   Daniel Zappala
So how does he go from a couple years of decent high-3, low-4 ERAs to a 6.02 ERA? And how does he merit that much money?
2006-12-09 09:52:15
2.   Bob Timmermann
The Cardinals announcers liked to say that Marquis was not easily coachable. I think it got to a point where Marquis and Dave Duncan just stopped getting along.
2006-12-09 10:06:25
3.   Ed C
Clearly he was on the juice ;-).
2006-12-09 11:16:00
4.   Icaros
Dear Bob,

Please stop hating us.

St. Louis

2006-12-09 11:24:48
5.   dianagramr
2004: 215 Hits (26 of them HR), 138 K / 70 BB in 201 IP (roughly 6 Ks and 3 BB per 9 IP, and 1 HR per 8 IP), OPS .768, and LOTS of run support. Started out 14-4, but had 3 consecutive games with over 115 pitches during July, then started to fade. Avg. 104 pitches per game start.

2006: 221 Hits (35 of them HR), 96 K / 75 BB in 194 IP (roughly 4.5 Ks and 3.5 BBs per 9 IP, and 1 HR per 5.5 IP), OPS .868.

2006-12-09 12:19:55
6.   Bob Timmermann
Just wait for my St. Louis photo essay after I visit there next July.
2006-12-09 12:58:29
7.   Voxter
I'm beginning to see how the Cubs plan to dominate the earth.
2006-12-09 17:41:34
8.   moghopper
You have to pay pitchers extra to get them to work with Larry Rothschild.
2006-12-09 18:42:33
9.   GoBears
Actually, not a bad deal for Marquis, given the market. Hendry might actually have gotten one right. Marquis will improve the team hitting too, right?
2006-12-09 19:38:28
10.   Jon Weisman
He slumped at the plate this year, too.
2006-12-10 11:44:43
11.   Ed C
That is true, on days when Marquis and Zambrano are pitching, Izturis moves to the #9 spot in the order....

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