You've got to get up early in the morning to beat the Red Sox one day next year
2006-12-22 07:50
by Bob Timmermann
Gordon Edes of the Boston Globe reports that because the Boston Marathon will have an earlier start in 2007 (10 am ET), the traditional morning Patriots Day game at Fenway Park will also have an earlier start. Expect to hear songs like this one at Fenway.
The start time for the game between the Angels and Red Sox hasn't been approved by the MLBPA and the Angels yet, but the likely starting for the game will also be 10 am ET, which means that the first pitch on the West Coast will go off on at 7 am PT. That will leave the Angels plenty of time to fly cross country to play at Oakland on April 21. In a night game.
I complained about this last year too. I don't like the early game, but as a baseball fan you put up with tradition on occasion. Subjecting a West Coast foe for this is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of the league. You'd think the schedule makers would have found a way to make this at least appear to be impartial. It's not like Patriot's Day jumps around like Easter.
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