Ken Griffey broke his left wrist in an accident at home and will be in a cast for three weeks. This was right after the Reds acquired Jeff Conine for outfield depth.
Does the title apply to what Griffey said when he found out that Conine was coming, or what he said after breaking his hand, or is "Jeff Conine" entering the lexicon as a new Hip-Hop swear?
4 Diane - I didn't know you had your own blog. I enjoy reading your comments on Bronx Banter. I'll have to put your MLB blog (Diamonds are for Humor) in my rotation. That was interesting stuff you wrote about the Yankees ticket prices. I hope the Yankees keep it up in the new Stadium. Even if a tiny fraction of seats are affordable it gives hope to the fan of modest income and it's good PR for the Yankees in their dealings with the city.
Bob - Sorry to comment on Diane's post in your blog. I have issues with self control.
Aren't we all glad that the late Mr. Hope liked golf more than baseball, lest they start naming ballfields "Hope Diamonds"
Bob - Sorry to comment on Diane's post in your blog. I have issues with self control.
Thanks j.j.j.
Blogging keeps me off the streets and out of trouble ... :-)
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