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2007-01-17 07:33
by Bob Timmermann

Maury Brown on his Biz of Baseball site lists the figures submitted by the player and the management in the 56 (now 55) arbitration cases.

Expect more and more of these to be settled before the hearings. Only a handful of cases get pushed to the limit.

2007-01-17 07:52:53
1.   D4P
On average,

American League Players:
1. Asked for 182% raises
2. Were offered 74% raises

National League Players:
1. Asked for 201% raises
2. Were offered 109% raises

Back when I had a real job, we were fortunate to receive 3% Cost of Living Adjustments each year.

2007-01-17 08:46:00
2.   Chyll Will
1 ?? Cost of Living Adjustments? 3%?? Fortunate?? Real?? What are these wonderous things you speak of??
2007-01-17 08:48:13
3.   D4P
Welcome to the world of the beautiful people. Welcome to my world.
2007-01-17 09:38:35
4.   Chyll Will
3 In my world, we live in noir and dream in color. Not to be melodramatic, but from time to time... I've been told I'm crazy... and you?
2007-01-17 09:45:35
5.   D4P
I dream in color, I dream in red. Can't find a better man.
2007-01-17 10:07:48
6.   Chyll Will
5 I ask for classic film, you quote classic grunge. Yep, you are crazy >;)
2007-01-17 10:14:10
7.   D4P
Does that make me cra-zay? Does that make me cra-zay...
2007-01-17 11:04:35
8.   Chyll Will
2007-01-17 13:52:16
9.   Chyll Will
... not where this thread was supposed to go. (sorry, Bob...)
2007-01-17 14:31:36
10.   Bob Timmermann
I thought I was just too old to understand your references.
2007-01-17 14:53:10
11.   Icaros
Saw those guys at USC on New Year's Eve. Sound sucked, though.
2007-01-17 18:30:34
12.   D4P
I thought I was just too old to understand your references

I'm too dumb to understand most of yours.

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