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What's worse?
2007-01-24 10:22
by Bob Timmermann

This New York Times article brings up this question:

What's worse:

a) impersonating a sports reporter
b) being a really big Mets fan?

2007-01-24 10:41:00
1.   dianagramr
His mom wasn't aware impersonating a news reporter and gaining access to a press only area was against the law?


2007-01-24 11:00:13
2.   StolenMonkey86
ooh, the collar-popping type. What a surprise.
2007-01-24 11:33:03
3.   Voxter
The answer is B, by the way.
2007-01-24 11:47:35
4.   El Lay Dave
1 Technically, the mom said that the son wasn't aware....

Biggest surprise in the story: kid went to his prom.

2007-01-24 11:58:52
5.   rbj
Is being banned from Shea Stadium for 3 years really a punishment?
2007-01-24 12:50:28
6.   RZG
5 He pleaded 'down' from a 1 year ban.
2007-01-24 13:20:32
7.   TellMeTheScoreRickMonday
6 - nice

I love the quote at the end about how he wants the camera back because it has his prom pictures in there.

Come on, does he look like a reporter to you?

2007-01-24 21:32:22
8.   das411
Mike Piazza immediately called a press conference to deny rumors of...oh wait, it's not 2002 anymore??

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