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MLB, EI, DTV, and IPOs!
2007-02-09 19:36
by Bob Timmermann

Ben Silverman of writes in a Yahoo! Business column that MLB's proposed deal to put Extra Innings on DirecTV exclusively could be a precursor for MLB to spin off its online arm, MLBAM, into a public company.

If MLB has done nothing else right in the past 50 years - and let's be honest, the only other thing they've done right in the past 60 years was integrating the game - they've done the Web right.

Late in 2005, MLB scrapped the idea of taking Major League Baseball Advanced Media public. The reason, according to published reports, was that team owners did not want chests full of cash on their doorsteps as they were in the midst of negotiating a new labor contract. That excuse is no longer valid because MLB and the Major League Baseball Players Association reached a new five-year agreement last October.

With the labor contract out of the way, MLB can now focus on taking Major League Baseball Advanced Media public. One of the key assets of the company is, of course, its MLB.TV product. See where I'm going?

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