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MLB to allow more postseason roster tinkering
2007-02-12 20:14
by Bob Timmermann

MLB ruled today that postseason rosters now no longer have to be set the morning of the day designated for Game 1, but rather just before the lineup cards are handed in before the start of the first game.

The New York Mets had said that they would have added a 12th pitcher to their roster. The Mets used 23 players overall in the 2006 NLCS and the Cardinals used all 25 players.

Poor Dave Williams.

2007-02-12 23:59:28
1.   Cliff Corcoran
That's good news for the teams, bad news for the fans who want to know who's on the respective postseason rosters so they can think along with the managers. FOX sure as heck ain't gonna tell us, the bastards.
2007-02-13 09:26:47
2.   Bob Timmermann
It will probably be up to those checking the Gameday app. The stringers for that get the full rosters straight from the horses's mouths.

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