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Nats sign additional mediocre players
2007-02-14 18:44
by Bob Timmermann

Washington fans can plan to be out of the District come October. Both Dmitri Young and Tony Batista were given minor league contracts.

GM Jim Bowden referred to Young and Batista as "assets" and could be used in a trade.

And if your favorite team is the one that trades with Bowden to acquire Tony Batista, go make an effigy of that team's GM in preparation for some mob action.

2007-02-14 18:56:34
1.   dianagramr
"Assets" could have been a typo for "Arrests"
2007-02-14 19:31:37
2.   Chyll Will
Office furniture is an asset.
Accounts Receivable is an asset.

And by all accounts, someone there forgot to pay the bills.

2007-02-14 20:19:10
3.   joejoejoe
Dmitri Young has a high VORP nickname.
2007-02-14 20:59:19
4.   capdodger
Ahhh.... Mob Justice: The best kind of justice.

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