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Coming to a stadium not near you on the 8th of Tammuz, 5767
2007-02-26 17:30
by Bob Timmermann

It's time for the Israel Baseball League!

Six teams will play a 45-game schedule. This article in Israel Insider talks more about the league. Ken Holtzman, Art Shamsky, and Ron Blomberg will be three of the managers.

One of the players will be Leon Feingold, who has reportedly risen as high as #12 on the IFOCE rankings. Yep, that IFOCE.

For those without a Jewish calendar, Opening Day is on June 24.

Biblical quotes dealing with baseball, albeit tangentially. Of course, classic New Testament quotes such as the one below aren't included:

"For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you." 1 Thessalonians 2:3. This deals with St. Paul trying to explain the rule about runners leaving early when tagging up on fly balls.

2007-02-26 19:30:29
1.   Greg Brock
I'm thinking no games on Shomer Shabbos.

Shomer #$%@% Shabbos!

2007-02-26 20:11:25
2.   El Lay Dave
Kosher Cracker Jacks, Hebrew Nationals and Manischewitz?

Back, a waaay back, to the Wailing Wall, GONE!

2007-02-26 21:38:46
3.   BruceR
"In the Big Inning..." -- Genesis 1:1
2007-02-27 09:37:23
4.   Philip Michaels
1 Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax...

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