Baseball Toaster The Griddle
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No, no, no! This can't be happening!
2007-03-14 21:50
by Bob Timmermann

"Ortiz could climb Giants' rotation ladder"

When will this nightmare end?

Russ is hereby barred from competing in the Griddle NCAA Tournament Contest along with Scott Podsednik and Rick Camp.

2007-03-14 22:19:14
1.   D4P
"Ortiz could climb Dodgers' rotation ladder" is a nightmare.

"Ortiz could climb Giants' rotation ladder" is a gift from the hilarity gods.

2007-03-14 22:30:18
2.   Greg Brock
In other news, Frank Robinson has been named Honorary Chairperson of the Los Angeles Public Library system.

Peaches for everyone!

2007-03-14 22:32:50
3.   D4P
With a side of Brussels sprouts!
2007-03-14 22:56:35
4.   trainwreck
Brady Quinn says he is the most prepared player for the NFL because he played at Notre Dame.

I cannot wait to see how prepared Jimmy Clausen will be for the NFL.

2007-03-14 23:10:01
5.   Icaros
I think this is a good development, overall. Bob has been notoriously soft on his dislike for the Giants, and to be honest I'd like to see a little more intensity out of him this season.

Ortiz in the Giants rotation could be the spark, especially if he starts the season 8-0.

2007-03-14 23:16:39
6.   Bob Timmermann
I'm soft on the Giants? That's character assassination.
2007-03-14 23:19:52
7.   StolenMonkey86
Russ Ortiz as potentially the Giants third starter. So do the Giants think that 2008 is a good draft year and they want to get a better pick than the Nationals.
2007-03-14 23:29:44
8.   Icaros

I'm just getting your Griddle fired up for the coming season.

2007-03-15 00:14:39
9.   deadteddy8
Stop giving me nightmare fuel.

Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum Matt Cain Tim Lincecum...

2007-03-15 12:24:37
10.   El Lay Dave
9 Lincecum and Cain and two days of rain?

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