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Where in the world?
2007-03-28 19:28
by Bob Timmermann

Ken has added a very easy way for HTML challenged clods like me to put up photos.

So where was this photo taken?

I added a better view of the mysterious wildlife.

2007-03-28 19:38:10
1.   Eric Enders
2007-03-28 19:42:08
2.   Bob Timmermann
If you can make out the wildlife in the photo, you will get a hint.
2007-03-28 19:47:27
3.   El Lay Dave
Tierra del Fuego. Or my inner ear.

There's wildlife in that picture?

2007-03-28 19:50:23
4.   Greg Brock
I will say California's Central Coast.
2007-03-28 19:52:21
5.   Bob Timmermann
3 is closer than 4 by a wide margin.

There's wildlife in the photo. If you click on it, you should get a blown up version.

2007-03-28 19:52:33
6.   Ken Arneson
I clicked on the image for a larger view, and I still can't make out the wildlife. Looks maybe like a pelican or something.
2007-03-28 19:58:05
7.   Greg Brock
2007-03-28 19:59:32
8.   Bob Timmermann
Yes, it's Chile.

2007-03-28 20:03:21
9.   Eric Enders
I can't tell which one is Ron Cey.
2007-03-28 20:05:09
10.   D4P

Cameras hadn't been invented yet the last/only time Bob was in Oregon.

2007-03-28 20:07:31
11.   El Lay Dave
Chumley, there's only one man who can help us, Mr. Whoopee.
2007-03-28 20:13:00
12.   Bob Timmermann
Just perusing the family photo albums shows that my parents didn't save any photos from our trip to Oregon.

The 1971 trip to St. Louis is there.
The 1972 trip to the Southwest is there.
The 1973 trip to Oregon is not there.
The 1974 trip when we just rented a condo in Newport Beach is there.

I believe it's a conspiracy.

2007-03-28 20:15:49
13.   D4P
I believe it's a conspiracy

Of the most egregious proportions!

2007-03-28 20:17:25
14.   El Lay Dave
Bob, he's officially back.
2007-03-28 20:18:23
15.   joejoejoe
Are those penguins. Is it Pittsburgh?
2007-03-28 20:18:29
16.   Bob Timmermann
The alarm was sounded earlier in the day. I choose not to respond to it anymore.
2007-03-28 20:19:14
17.   D4P
"I don't understand the transaction, and I will not respond to it"
2007-03-28 20:38:11
18.   ToyCannon
Happy Feet would have been much more interesting if they had just let him stay in the zoo pecking away at the glass while dancing to Eve of Destruction as they showed his tribe dying of starvation and eventually disapearing.
2007-03-28 20:56:24
19.   Bob Timmermann
For the record, we were required to stay a far distance away from the penguins and we were not allowed to set foot on the island where they lived.

The penguins that far north in the Southern Hemisphere are fairly little guys. The big guys hang out in Antarctica.

With Morgan Freeman.

2007-03-28 21:51:05
20.   doppelganger
9-nice :)
2007-03-28 21:57:49
21.   LAT
19 Ferry Penguins

Phillip Island

2007-03-28 22:01:16
22.   LAT
oops I should have read no. 8 first.
2007-03-28 22:03:38
23.   Greg Brock
I would say that "Where in the World is Bob Timmermann?" has been a smashing success.
2007-03-28 22:05:42
24.   Bob Timmermann
For those scoring at home, those are Magellanic penguins.
2007-03-28 22:07:09
25.   Greg Brock
24 Obviously
2007-03-28 22:12:47
26.   Bob Timmermann
Magellanic penguins up close:

2007-03-28 22:22:24
27.   Greg Brock
I've always been more of a puffin guy, myself. Penguins get all the press, but those puffins are just adorable!
2007-03-29 06:18:33
28.   Scott de B
My guess is South Shetland Islands or maybe New Georgia.
2007-03-29 07:08:19
29.   Gen3Blue
The same kind as Patagonia?
2007-03-29 08:03:14
30.   dianagramr

and if you ARE scoring at home, congrats ...

(sorry, couldn't resist the "SportsCenter" glory days rememberance)

2007-03-29 09:49:59
31.   Bob Timmermann
To be precise I was here:

2007-03-29 12:54:20
32.   rbj
24 But are those penguis gellin' like Magellan?

And my answer was going to be South Africa -- they've got some penguins too.

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