Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
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And I don't mean getting outscored by the Angels, the Cleveland Indians could literally be forced to give up their upcoming home series against the Los Angeles Angels (Tues-Thur) and have it played in Anaheim if MLB deems that there will be too many delays from cold weather and snow.
Cleveland and Seattle are going to attempt to get in at least two of their scheduled three game series today, although snow flurries are still forecast for Cleveland today with temperatures in the 30s. (Update: Today's doubleheader was snowed out.)
Moving the Angels series was considered "unlikely" because the teams could not swap series as Cleveland is slated to play four seven games in Anaheim while the Angels would play just three in Cleveland and all the games in Anaheim are nearly sold out. So the Angels could end up with 84 home games and the Indians with 78. The decision should be made soon, presumably before the Angels fly to Cleveland. If there were an extra three games in Anaheim, the tickets would have to be sold on a walkup basis as season ticket holders would not have paid for such games already.
Update: The series will now be played in Milwaukee. This will be the first "neutral" field series since the Florida Marlins had to play two games against Montreal at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago on Sept. 13-14, 2004. That series was moved because of the threat of a hurricane in South Florida earlier in the month.
And then there were the two whole seasons the Yankees played at Shea.
Milwaukee was chosen because it has a roof.
The Boston Braves played their home games for the 1914 World Series at Fenway Park.
Go figure.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.