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Tigers lose Zumaya for three months
2007-05-07 18:23
by Bob Timmermann

Hard-throwing Detroit reliever Joel Zumaya will miss about 12 weeks after being diagnosed with a ruptured tendon in his right middle finger. The tendon has to be repaired by a surgeon. Zumaya hurt himself while warming up in Kansas City Saturday night.

2007-05-07 19:47:29
1.   Sam DC
Well, was he warming up on something manageable like More Than A Feeling, or was it more of a stretch like Django Rhinehart do you think?
2007-05-07 19:53:15
2.   Bob Timmermann
Did you read the description of the injury? I bet it hurt a lot
2007-05-07 20:44:40
3.   Sam DC
Sorry - it was an ill-considered Guitar Hero joke.
2007-05-07 21:19:05
4.   rynox
Thank god for the tendons, the guy throws so hard if it weren't for his tendons his fingers would fly off. Scary.

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