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Gagne returns
2007-05-08 15:08
by Bob Timmermann

The Texas Rangers have activated Eric Gagne from the disabled list and optioned Wes Littleton back to AAA Oklahoma.

No word if Gagne has called Ken Griffey to ask about any other type of injury he can sustain, but I saw the two of them with a Merck Manual at an All-Star game once looking up stuff.


2007-05-08 15:43:35
1.   Vishal
bob's turned the snark level up a notch today, i see.
2007-05-08 15:46:30
2.   Jacob L
Has Gagne pitched in a home game for Texas yet? Does he get the whole "Game Over" theatrics with his new team?
2007-05-08 15:50:47
3.   Chyll Will
He can ask about the bout with elephantitis Griffey had on that episode of "The Simpsons."
2007-05-08 15:50:59
4.   jasonungar07
over or under for next DL stint

6 weeks.

For Dodger Fans make that three weeks.

2007-05-08 19:52:02
5.   El Lay Dave
2 Last two appearances were in TX. A meaningless ninth in a 9-0 TX win and the first 1/3 of the ninth when he got hurt. Probably no theatrics there.

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