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Braves really hope to avoid becoming part of this record*
2007-06-23 13:46
by Bob Timmermann

The Atlanta Braves have lost three straight games and were shut out in each of them, twice by Boston and once by Detroit. The Braves are in action again today at home against the Tigers.

If the Braves were to be shut out a fourth straight time, they would tie the major league record for consecutive shutout losses, which has been done 11 times.

Seven of those streaks are here.

The other four teams that did it were the Cincinnati Reds in 1931 and 1908. The Boston Braves did it in 1906. And in the AL, both Boston and Philadelphia lost four straight shutouts in 1906.

There wasn't a lot of scoring in 1906.

Brian McCann Chipper Jones homers in the fourth to end the drought for Braves.

2007-06-23 16:28:36
1.   Johnny Nucleo
Speaking of the Braves and notorious records... has Bobby Cox become the all-time ejection king yet?

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