The defending World Series champion St. Louis Cardinals won't get a chance to defend their crown as they were eliminated from postseason play with a 6-3 loss to the Astros at home.
St. Louis lost its 82nd game and first place Chicago won its 81st today and that combination knocked the Redbirds out.
Next time you go to the store, check out the cans of salmon. The labels all look the same way they did in 1950. (Not that I was around in 1950, but you get the point.) Tuna labels have been updated, but canned salmon is caught in some sort of time warp.
And have you noticed that Kosher food also has really retro labels, like the one in this picture? I think it's on purpose, so you can pick out the Kosher food instantly. And it's only on the specifically Kosher brands, like Manischewitz, and not on famous goyishe brands like Heinz that just happen to be Kosher.
Really weird. Maybe they take their design cues from the salmon people.
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Really weird. Maybe they take their design cues from the salmon people.
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