I think a couple good cartoon softball games deserve an honorable mention: the game on King of the Hill where Hank's Strickland Propane team takes on a rival propane company team that is using ringer Kurt Bevacqua (if only for the way Hank Hill solemnly pronounces the words "Kurt Bevacqua"), and the Simpsons' ringer-filled Springfield Power Plant Team game in which Mr. Burns' sign for the bunt is to touch his belt "not once, not twice, but thrice."
Here's a link to the "Talkin' Softball" song from the latter show, perhaps particularly poignant today because the last active player to appear on the episode seems to have clucked like a chicken for the last time (he's the first player mentioned in the song; also note that the second player mentioned might also be spending the day today packing up for the offseason):
4 I just hope he doesn't up the "number of guys on Burns' ringer team who end up playing for the Yankees". If he does, we know The Boss is back to his bad old ways.
Though, I imagine as a Sox fan, Josh, that would not bother you at all. =)
Shouldn't that last play have been a ground-rule triple...?
I think a couple good cartoon softball games deserve an honorable mention: the game on King of the Hill where Hank's Strickland Propane team takes on a rival propane company team that is using ringer Kurt Bevacqua (if only for the way Hank Hill solemnly pronounces the words "Kurt Bevacqua"), and the Simpsons' ringer-filled Springfield Power Plant Team game in which Mr. Burns' sign for the bunt is to touch his belt "not once, not twice, but thrice."
Here's a link to the "Talkin' Softball" song from the latter show, perhaps particularly poignant today because the last active player to appear on the episode seems to have clucked like a chicken for the last time (he's the first player mentioned in the song; also note that the second player mentioned might also be spending the day today packing up for the offseason):
Here is an equally-terrific analysis of Bugs Bunny, baseball player.
Though, I imagine as a Sox fan, Josh, that would not bother you at all. =)
gmta ....
I believe he would be awarded third base but could advance home at his own risk
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