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Griddle Contest: How many pitches tonight and how many hours will it take?
2007-10-15 14:27
by Bob Timmermann

There's no tangible prize for this except the respect of your peers.

Your mission: Guess the total number of pitches thrown by all four teams in tonight's LCS games and the total time elapsed for both games. If you want to put your guess into total minutes, that would help, but if not, don't worry.

The pitch and time totals will be taken from the boxscores.

To keep in the spirit of things, please no strategic "Price is Right" style guessing. If you engage in that, you will not win the respect of your peers. And what is more important than that?


2007-10-15 14:37:48
1.   gpellamjr
"Price is Right" style? Like listening to my wife as she screams random numbers at me?


Total Pitches: 700.

Time: 7 hrs 27 min.

2007-10-15 14:45:28
2.   Mark T.R. Donohue
One dollar!
2007-10-15 14:50:08
3.   fanerman
What is considered "Price is Right" style guessing?
2007-10-15 14:51:13
4.   Sam DC
620 pitches.

425 minutes.

2007-10-15 14:56:09
5.   DodgerBakers
520 pitches

390 minutes

2007-10-15 14:56:24
6.   Mattpat11
630 pitches

7 hours 47 minutes

2007-10-15 15:02:08
7.   fanerman
Oh well.

580 pitches

400 minutes.

2007-10-15 15:06:03
8.   Xeifrank
Ari: 141
Col: 149
Bos: 132
Cle: 147
Total: 569

Time: 402 minutes, 27 seconds.

vr, Xei

2007-10-15 15:11:46
9.   bhsportsguy
607 pitches
387 minutes
2007-10-15 15:17:00
10.   ToyCannon
600 Pitches
400 Minutes

I know nothing about pitches and minutes, I'm just rounding BH's picks.

2007-10-15 15:18:04
11.   Bob Timmermann
If I told you, people would do it.

Andrew Shimmin will come around and demonstrate.

2007-10-15 15:19:50
12.   Ken Arneson
599 pitches
399 minutes
2007-10-15 15:21:37
13.   Ken Arneson
12 I swear I had not seen 10 when I entered that. That was not an attempt at trying to meet Drew Carey.
2007-10-15 15:30:40
14.   gpellamjr
3 I think 12 and 10 count as "Price is Right" style guessing.
2007-10-15 15:34:43
15.   Xeifrank
13. Boo! You should be banned. Who do I send my complaints to at this site anyways! :)
vr, Xei
2007-10-15 15:50:00
16.   Ken Arneson
I'm not getting enough sleep these days. I keep missing things that are right in front of my face.
2007-10-15 15:59:12
17.   standuptriple
I'm just here for the "Griddle Beauties".

565 pitches.
374 minutes.

And I want to play Cliffhanger or Plinko.

2007-10-15 16:00:09
18.   Derek Smart
Pitches 667
Minutes 467
2007-10-15 16:08:43
19.   LAT
Pitches 566
Minutes 438
2007-10-15 16:11:12
20.   Bob Timmermann
OK, with the first pitch, the contest is closed to any guesses after this one.
2007-10-15 16:12:12
21.   Bob Timmermann
You may continue to guess for entertainment purposes only.
2007-10-15 16:19:27
22.   Humma Kavula
I'm too late, but:

1000 pitches
600 minutes

I'm not an optimist.

2007-10-15 16:21:21
23.   Bob Timmermann
Ten hours!
2007-10-15 16:24:08
24.   Humma Kavula
23 Yes. 10 hours.

I am likely to be wrong.

2007-10-15 18:25:00
25.   xaphor
The Griddle panel averages (minus HV's standard deviation busting guesses):

597 pitches
416 minutes

2007-10-15 19:41:27
26.   bhsportsguy
First game totals: 290 pitches and 208 minutes
2007-10-15 19:42:04
27.   Bob Timmermann
ALCS game:
290 pitches
208 minutes
2007-10-15 19:45:32
28.   Bob Timmermann
At least I know my math is right.

A repeat of that game in the NLCS is pretty close to the average guess.

2007-10-15 22:47:21
29.   Bob Timmermann
197 minutes for the NLCS, grand total of 405 minutes.
279 pitches for the NLCS, grand total of 569 pitches.

974 is the total.

Looks like fanerman gets the undying respect from his peers.

2007-10-15 22:58:45
30.   Xeifrank
29. I'm confused. Take a look at my score again. I used my simulator and nailed the number of pitches exactly! and was only off on game lengths by 2 minutes and 33 seconds, beating Fanerman handily.

Fanerman: 980
Xeifrank: 971.45
Actual: 974

vr, Xei

2007-10-15 23:06:07
31.   Bob Timmermann
I withdraw my respect for fanerman and move it over to Xeifrank.
2007-10-16 12:16:18
32.   standuptriple
Off by 31 minutes (stupid FOX promotional stuff probably), but only 4 pitches.
/strains pitching arm patting self on back

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