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Darvish Ks 13 to give Fighters 1-0 lead in Japan Series
2007-10-27 07:37
by Bob Timmermann

Nippon Ham southpaw Yu Darvish struck out 13 Chunichi Dragons hitters as his team took a 1-0 lead in Japan Series with a 3-1 win at the Sapporo Dome.

All of Nippon Ham's runs came on a 3-run homer by designated hitter Fernando Seguignol in the first inning off of loser Kenshin Kawakami.

Game 2 will be Sunday night in Sapporo.

Obligatory boxscore.

An English language boxscore reveals the Fighters meager, yet sufficient offensive attack.

2007-10-27 09:58:35
1.   dianagramr
Is his nickname "Whirling" ???
2007-10-27 10:02:45
2.   Bob Timmermann
I don't know if that would translate.

If his arm holds up, Darvish will very popular with MLB. There's something about hard throwing lefties that appeals to scouts.

2007-10-27 19:29:40
3.   Slipstream
They were serving free samples of Yakult at Ralph's in Westwood yesterday. Just thought you should know. (Also, they weren't generating much interest.)
2007-10-27 23:57:24
4.   Bob Timmermann
Try 'em. They're good!
2007-10-30 08:45:36
5.   Deanna
Bob, what crack are you smoking? Darvish isn't left-handed.

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