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Mitchell Report Thread
2007-12-13 10:00
by Ken Arneson

At 11AM PT, will broadcast the press conference and make downloads available from its Mitchell Report home page. You can now download the report. Will this Mitchell Report be as controversial and have as much implications for the future of mankind as the last one?

Direct link to report.

2007-12-13 10:29:20
1.   mehmattski
Heh. I thought that was going to be the link to the other report Sen. Mitchell did, which produced pretty much bogus revenue reports in the early 1990s.

Still, my guess is the list consists mostly of the 46 players named here:

2007-12-13 10:32:59
2.   vockins
2 46 people? Since 1995? Many already known?


2007-12-13 11:15:08
3.   DXMachina
The report can be downloaded here:

2007-12-13 11:16:20
4.   DXMachina
Say it ain't so, Paulie LoDuca.
2007-12-13 11:18:38
5.   Humma Kavula
3 I like how the report name is eight characters. Are they running Windows 3.1?
2007-12-13 11:25:43
6.   underdog
FP Santangelo?! Noooooooo!

Boy, talk about proof that steroids don't help everyone.

2007-12-13 12:36:51
7.   trainwreck
I totally thought Bobby Estella was clean. I mean yeah he was the largest catcher I have ever seen and looked like he was a wrestler, but steroids geeeeeeeeez.
2007-12-13 12:38:41
8.   mbtn01
The most fascinating part, to me, are those where the Dodgers front office candidly speculate on LoDuca & Gagne. Wow.

Hopefully this helps focus attention on the epidemic PEDs were/are, but I suspect it'll be reported like a series of involuntary celebrity outings.

2007-12-13 12:42:58
9.   mehmattski
I like the scathing evidence that the 1998-2001 Marlins were loaded with steroids, and, apparently, marijuana. Fat lot of good it did them...
2007-12-13 14:34:27
10.   68elcamino427
The upuped files ... who's using?

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