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Jose Canseco's effect on his teammates
2008-02-06 07:30
by Bob Timmermann

And this just isn't idle speculation, this is a peer-reviewed paper by two professors who specialize in workplace and labor issues. (pdf link) And they conclude that players who played with Canseco did show improvement. So did they pick up Canseco's "habits?" Well, read on and decide for yourself. Or you can be like me and just read the abstract at the beginning.

Link via BTF.

2008-02-06 09:46:42
1.   D4P
A well-written abstract doesn't live up to its name.
2008-02-15 15:23:40
2.   das411
Yep. Finally finished reading this at work and now, more than ever, I stand by my belief that Jose belongs in the Hall of Fame.

...too bad this post is too late for anybody to argue with it...

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