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The Buck stops in St. Louis, Stone goes back to Chicago
2008-03-04 08:45
by Bob Timmermann

Joe Buck said Monday night to Dan Caesar of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that he will no longer be calling any Cardinals local broadcasts, solely working national games for Fox. Buck's father, Jack, started broadcasting Cardinals games in 1954, missed the 1960 season, and then either Jack or Joe has been in the booth for the Cardinals since then.

Jack Buck passed away in 2002.

Link via BTF.

UPDATE - The Chicago White Sox have announced that they have hired Steve Stone for a fulltime analyst job for radio alongside Ed Farmer. Chris Singleton, who was the analyst last year, is moving to ESPN.

Is the disparity in quality between Farmer and Stone the greatest among any pair of broadcasters working together today?

2008-03-04 08:58:49
1.   underdog
Good for the Cards, bad for the rest of us.
2008-03-04 11:51:42
2.   dianagramr
Now if we can just get rid of Hawk Harrelson ...
2008-03-06 08:39:16
3.   Sandus
Believe it or not, the disparity between Farmer and Singleton was far greater than the disparity between Farmer and Stone.

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