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It's like so what
2008-05-02 06:29
by Bob Timmermann

Ichiro Suzuki now has the second most hits all time of a Japanese player with 2903. However, you only get that total if you add together Ichiro's hit total with the Orix Blue Wave (1278) and the Mariners (1625).

From the Kyodo News Service:

Suzuki showed no interest in being second on the hit list,
saying, ''It's like so what?'' when he was asked to comment after the

I don't make up these headlines all the time.

For those not keeping track at home or too lazy to read the full article, the alltime hits leader in Japan is Isao Harimoto with 3085. According to this source, Harimoto wasn't even Japanese. He was a Korean born in Japan. And he had a couple of cool nicknames, including Komazawa Abarenbo and Anda Seizoki.

2008-05-02 08:01:03
1.   DXMachina
James "Komazawa Abarenbo" Loney...

I like it.

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